Verwendete Plugins

Lizenzfreies Bild.

Die­ser Bei­trag ent­hält eine stän­dig aktua­li­sier­te Lis­ter der von mir ver­wen­de­ten Plug­ins. Der­zeit sind 57 Plug­ins instal­liert: 50 akti­ve Plug­ins und 7 inak­ti­ve Plug­ins.

Aktive Plugins

  • Anti­s­pam Bee 2.11.6
    Anti­s­pam plug­in with a sophisti­ca­ted tool­set for effec­ti­ve day to day com­ment and track­back spam-fighting. Built with data pro­tec­tion and pri­va­cy in mind.
    [ Autor: plug­in­kol­lek­tiv ] [ url ]
  • Asset Cle­a­nUp Pro: Page Speed Boos­ter
    Pre­vent Cho­sen Scripts & Styl­es from loa­ding to redu­ce HTTP Requests and get fas­ter page load | Add „async“ & „defer“ attri­bu­tes to loa­ded JS | Combine/Minify CSS/JS files
    [ Autor: Gabe Livan ] [ url ]
  • Aut­op­ti­mi­ze 3.1.11
    Makes your site fas­ter by opti­mi­zing CSS, JS, Images, Goog­le fonts and more.
    [ Autor: Frank Goos­sens (futt­ta) ] [ url ]
  • CoBlocks 3.1.7
    CoBlocks is a suite of pro­fes­sio­nal page buil­ding con­tent blocks for the Word­Press Guten­berg block edi­tor. Our blocks are hyper-focused on empowe­ring makers to build beau­tiful­ly rich pages in Word­Press.
    [ Autor: GoDad­dy ] [ url ]
  • Code Snip­pets 3.6.4
    An easy, clean and simp­le way to run code snip­pets on your site. No need to edit to your theme’s functions.php file again!
    [ Autor: Code Snip­pets Pro ] [ url ]
  • Con­fi­gura­ble Tag Cloud 5.3
    A tag cloud plug­in for Word­Press to give you more fle­xi­bi­li­ty with the sty­ling of your tag cloud.
    [ Autor: Keith Solo­mon ] [ url ]
  • Cus­tom Color Palet­te 1.0
    A small and simp­le plug­in to adjust the default color palet­te of the new Word­Press Guten­berg Edi­tor.
    [ Autor: The­me­Zee ] [ url ]
  • Down­load Mana­ger 3.2.86
    Mana­ge, Pro­tect and Track file down­loads, and sell digi­tal pro­ducts from your Word­Press site. A com­ple­te digi­tal asset manage­ment solu­ti­on.
    [ Autor: W3 Eden, Inc. ] [ url ]
  • Enable Media Replace 4.1.5
    Enable repla­cing media files by uploa­ding a new file in the „Edit Media“ sec­tion of the Word­Press Media Libra­ry.
    [ Autor: Short­Pi­xel ] [ url ]
  • Fea­tured Image Admin Thumb 1.6
    Adds inline thumb­nail image to admin colum­ns for All Post/post types view (whe­re sup­port­ed). Click to easi­ly set/change the fea­tured image for that con­tent.
    [ Autor: Sean Hayes ] [ url ]
  • Gosign – Text with Image Block 2.0.1
    Gosign – Text with Image Block—is a Guten­berg plug­in crea­ted by Gosign. This plug­in con­ta­ins Text with Image Block that shows image with dif­fe­rent ali­g­ment opti­ons in text.
    [ Autor: Gosign​.de ] [ url ]
  • Image Rege­ne­ra­te & Sel­ect Crop 7.3.4
    Rege­ne­ra­te and crop images, details and actions for image sizes regis­tered and image sizes gene­ra­ted, clean up, pla­ce­hol­ders, cus­tom rules, regis­ter new image sizes, crop medi­um set­tings, WP-CLI com­mands, opti­mi­ze images.
    [ Autor: Iulia Cazan ] [ url ]
  • Jet­pack 13.2.1
    Secu­ri­ty, per­for­mance, and mar­ke­ting tools made by Word­Press experts. Jet­pack keeps your site pro­tec­ted so you can focus on more important things.
    [ Autor: Auto­mat­tic ] [ url ]
  • Link Indi­ca­ti­on 4.5
    Adds CSS class attri­bu­tes to exter­nal links and optio­nal­ly spe­ci­fic attri­bu­tes to any other link types such as wiki​pe​dia​.org, flickr, imdb, file exten­si­ons like .pdf or .zip, etc. Ther­eby you can indi­ca­te your links, e.g. by images, for cha­rac­te­ri­zing your types of links. Fur­ther­mo­re you can add target=„blank“ to all exter­nal links, rel=„nofollow“ to spe­ci­fic hyper­links or dis­play webs­napr pre­view thumb­nails. Navi­ga­te to Set­tings → Link Indi­ca­ti­on.
    [ Autor: Micha­el Wöh­rer, Mario Schu­bert ] [ url ]
  • Media Dedu­per 1.5.6
    Save disk space and bring some order to the cha­os of your media libra­ry by remo­ving and pre­ven­ting dupli­ca­te files.
    [ Autor: Cor­ner­shop Crea­ti­ve ] [ url ]
  • Media File Ren­amer (Pro) 5.2.8
    Ren­a­mes your media files for bet­ter SEO and a nicer file­sys­tem (auto­ma­ti­cal­ly or manu­al­ly).
    [ Autor: Jor­dy Meow ] [ url ]
  • Media Tags
    Pro­vi­des abili­ty to tag media/attachments via Media Manage­ment screens
    [ Autor: Paul Menard ] [ url ]
  • Meow Gal­lery 5.1.1
    Gal­lery sys­tem built for pho­to­graph­ers, by pho­to­graph­ers.
    [ Autor: Jor­dy Meow ] [ url ]
  • Mer­lin Pro 1.2
    Adds addi­tio­nal fea­tures like foo­ter wid­gets, cus­tom colors, fonts and logo upload to the Mer­lin the­me.
    [ Autor: The­me­Zee ] [ url ]
  • Rege­ne­ra­te Thumb­nails 3.1.6
    Rege­ne­ra­te the thumb­nails for one or more of your image uploads. Useful when chan­ging their sizes or your the­me.
    [ Autor: Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) ] [ url ]
  • Series 2.0.1
    Plug­in that allows you to coll­ect posts in a series.
    [ Autor: Jus­tin Tad­lock ] [ url ]
  • Sha­riff Wrap­per 4.6.13
    Sha­riff pro­vi­des share but­tons that respect the pri­va­cy of your visi­tors and fol­low the Gene­ral Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­la­ti­on (GDPR).
    [ Autor: Jan-Peter Lam­beck & 3UU ] [ url ]
  • Simp­le 301 Redi­rects 2.0.9
    Crea­te a list of URLs that you would like to 301 redi­rect to ano­ther page or site. Now with wild­card sup­port.
    [ Autor: WPDe­ve­lo­per ] [ url ]
  • Site Kit by Goog­le 1.125.0
    Site Kit is a one-stop solu­ti­on for Word­Press users to use ever­y­thing Goog­le has to offer to make them suc­cessful on the web.
    [ Autor: Goog­le ] [ url ]
  • Smush Pro 3.8.3
    Redu­ce image file sizes, impro­ve per­for­mance and boost your SEO using the WPMU DEV Word­Press Smush API.
    [ Autor: WPMU DEV ] [ url ]
  • Spec­tra 2.12.9
    The Spec­tra extends the Guten­berg func­tion­a­li­ty with seve­ral uni­que and feature-rich blocks that help build web­sites fas­ter.
    [ Autor: Brain­storm Force ] [ url ]
  • SVG Sup­port 2.5.5
    Upload SVG files to the Media Libra­ry and ren­der SVG files inline for direct styling/animation of an SVG’s inter­nal ele­ments using CSS/JS.
    [ Autor: Ben­bodhi ] [ url ]
  • The­me­Zee Bread­crumbs 1.1.1
    This plug­in allows you to add a nice and ele­gant bread­crumb navi­ga­ti­on. Bread­crumbs make it easy for the user to navi­ga­te up and down the hier­ar­chy of your web­site and are good for SEO.
    [ Autor: The­me­Zee ] [ url ]
  • The­me­Zee Rela­ted Posts 1.0.6
    This plug­in is an easy way to dis­play rela­ted posts on your web­site. Your visi­tors are intro­du­ced to other rele­vant con­tent they might be inte­res­ted in, which leads to an increase in traf­fic and redu­ced boun­ce rates.
    [ Autor: The­me­Zee ] [ url ]
  • The­me­Zee Tool­kit 1.3
    The The­me­Zee Tool­kit is a coll­ec­tion of useful small plug­ins and fea­tures, neat­ly bund­led into a sin­gle plug­in. It includes modu­les for Wid­get Visi­bi­li­ty, Hea­der & Foo­ter Scripts, Cus­tom CSS and a lot more.
    [ Autor: The­me­Zee ] [ url ]
  • The­me­Zee Wid­get Bund­le 1.6
    A coll­ec­tion of our most popu­lar wid­gets, neat­ly bund­led into a sin­gle plug­in. The Plug­in includes advan­ced wid­gets for Recent Posts, Recent Comm­ents, Tab­bed Con­tent, Social Icons and more.
    [ Autor: The­me­Zee ] [ url ]
  • The SEO Frame­work 5.0.4
    An auto­ma­ted, advan­ced, acces­si­ble, unbran­ded and extre­me­ly fast SEO solu­ti­on for your Word­Press web­site.
    [ Autor: The SEO Frame­work Team ] [ url ]
  • Updraft­Plus – Backup/Restore 1.24.2
    Back­up and res­to­re: take back­ups local­ly, or back­up to Ama­zon S3, Drop­box, Goog­le Dri­ve, Rackspace, (S)FTP, Web­DAV & email, on auto­ma­tic sche­du­les.
    [ Autor: Updraft​Plus​.Com, Davi­dAn­der­son ] [ url ]
  • WP-PluginsUsed 1.90
    Dis­play Word­Press plug­ins that you curr­ent­ly have (both acti­ve and inac­ti­ve) onto a post/page.
    [ Autor: Les­ter ‚GaM­erZ‘ Chan; Mario Schu­bert ] [ url ]
  • WP-Sweep 1.1.8
    WP-Sweep allows you to clean up unu­sed, orpha­ned and dupli­ca­ted data in your Word­Press. It cle­ans up revi­si­ons, auto drafts, unap­pro­ved comm­ents, spam comm­ents, tra­s­hed comm­ents, orphan post meta, orphan com­ment meta, orphan user meta, orphan term rela­ti­onships, unu­sed terms, dupli­ca­ted post meta, dupli­ca­ted com­ment meta, dupli­ca­ted user meta and tran­si­ent opti­ons. It also opti­mi­zes your data­ba­se tables.
    [ Autor: Les­ter ‚GaM­erZ‘ Chan ] [ url ]
  • wp-Typography 5.9.1
    Impro­ve your web typo­gra­phy with: hyphena­ti­on, space con­trol, intel­li­gent cha­rac­ter repla­ce­ment, and CSS hooks.
    [ Autor: Peter Put­zer ] [ url ]
  • WP Htac­cess Edi­tor 1.71
    Safe and easy way to edit the .htac­cess file direct­ly from WP admin wit­hout using FTP.
    [ Autor: Web­Fac­to­ry Ltd ] [ url ]

Inaktive Plugins

Fol­gen­de Plug­ins habe ich zwar instal­liert, sie wer­den aber aus ver­schie­de­nen Grün­den der­zeit nicht auf mei­ner Sei­te verwendet:

  • Clas­sic Edi­tor 1.6.3
    Enables the Word­Press clas­sic edi­tor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE, Meta Boxes, etc. Sup­ports the older plug­ins that extend this screen.
    [ Autor: Word­Press Con­tri­bu­tors ] [ url ]
  • Con­ver­ter for Media 5.12.5
    Speed up your web­site by using our WebP & AVIF Con­ver­ter (form­er­ly WebP Con­ver­ter for Media). Ser­ve WebP and AVIF images ins­tead of stan­dard for­mats JPEG, PNG and GIF now!
    [ Autor: matt plug­ins ] [ url ]
  • Media Clea­ner 6.7.3
    Clean your Word­Press! Eli­mi­na­te unu­sed and bro­ken media files. For a fas­ter, and bet­ter web­site.
    [ Autor: Jor­dy Meow ] [ url ]
  • Wid­gets On Pages 1.8.1
    The easie­st way to Add Wid­gets or Side­bars to Posts and Pages using short­codes or tem­p­la­te tags.
    [ Autor: Todd Half­pen­ny ] [ url ]

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